Hospitality Houses
The Volunteer Auxiliary at Jackson-Madison County General Hospital manages nine hospitality houses, which are used by patient families and patients undergoing some types of treatments when the patient must travel a great distance. Supplies for the houses are running low and you can help. If you, your family, your friends, your church classes, your civic group, your department, etc., would like to help collect items for the houses, please review the list below and bring items to the Consumer Support Services office.
- Dishwashing detergent
- Laundry detergent (liquid or powder)
- Liquid soap (small containers)
- Pine Sol
- Windex
- Garbage bags (kitchen size-13 gallon)
- Any cleaning supplies for the bathroom and kitchen
- Grout/tile cleaner
- 60 watt light bulbs
- Clorox Bleach
- Dust mops (hardwood floors)
- Wet mops (linoleum)
- Towels
- Washcloths
- Hand towels
- Antibacterial bar soap-small bath size
- Lysol
- Dryer sheets
- Clorox spray cleaner
- Pledge (or other dusting cleaners)
- Full sheet sets
- Twin sheet sets
For more information please call the Consumer Support Services at 731-541-6153
West Tennessee Healthcare (WTH) does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against
any person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, Limited
English Proficiency or sex, including discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation,
sex stereotyping or pregnancy in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and
benefits under any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by WTH directly or through a
contractor or any other entity with which WTH arranges to carry out its programs and activities.
For further information about this policy, contact Amy Garner (731) 541-9914.