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Any sign of a pulmonary condition, lung disease or cancer can be scary. West Tennessee Healthcare provides expert pulmonology care for lung and pulmonary conditions, including treatment options, screening methods and a specialized clinic for patients with lung nodules.

Specialized Pulmonology Care for Lung Nodules

Lung nodules, or abnormal growths in the lungs, are very common and can be benign or cancerous. While most patients don’t experience symptoms of nodules, early diagnosis and prompt care lead to the best possible outcomes. West Tennessee Healthcare Lung Nodule Clinic provides expert pulmonology care and assessment over time to diagnose, monitor and treat this condition.

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A Multidisciplinary Pulmonology
Team for Lung Health

The Lung Nodule Clinic at West Tennessee Healthcare is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons, radiologists, oncologists and more. A nurse navigator guides patients and families throughout the care process, from the initial appointment through observation and treatment.

Image of patient in imagining machine.

West Tennessee’s First Choice for Pulmonology

Through the Lung Nodule Clinic at West Tennessee Healthcare and other pulmonology services, patients have access to a complete range of diagnostic and treatment options:

  • The only comprehensive lung nodule program in the region
  • Multidisciplinary pulmonology team that includes pulmonary specialists, pulmonologists, and medical, radiation and interventional oncologists
  • Low-dose computed tomography (CT) scanning for detection of lung cancer and other conditions
  • A personal point of contact with the nurse navigator from detection through treatment and follow-up care
  • Pulmonary rehab and expert resources for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Group of physicians smiling

Our Team

Our pulmonology providers are focused improving your health and quality of life. We work in tandem with Kirkland Cancer Center and West Tennessee Imaging Center to provide early detection and comprehensive care for lung nodules and other pulmonary and lung conditions.

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Your Partner in Care

The Lung Nodule Clinic at West Tennessee Healthcare helps patients through the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of lung nodules, lung cancer and other pulmonary conditions.

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