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Healthy Heights

Our Healthy Heights Mission is to provide West Tennessee Healthcare employees the tools and education needed to improve and sustain a healthy state of well-being so that they can serve our communities with compassionate and exceptional care.

Healthy Heights is our employee well-being program that encourages our West Tennessee Healthcare employees to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle with educational courses, interactive events, relationships, and incentives.

Moving from wellness to well-being: the program is designed to give our employees a holistic experience. The focus is on multiple avenues of well-being:

  • Disease: relentless amounts of stress that physically affect the body
  • Social Well-being
  • Financial Well-being
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Physical Well-being
  • Spiritual Well-being
  • Environmental Well-being
  • Occupational Well-being

Every single one of our employees has the opportunity to take advantage of this wonderful benefit that our organization provides!

  • Free fruit or water option with daily meal in the café
  • Unlimited therapy, counseling, and behavioral health medical appointments scheduled through the WTH concierge at 731-541-8555
  • Free Tobacco Cessation courses for you and your family (saving you $650 in surcharge fees) contact Kimberly Dickerson, EHS Clinical Manager at 731-425-7582 to sign up.
  • Employee engagement challenges and events
  • Fitness Incentive Option: LIFT membership
  • $75-$150 at your annual health update for reaching one or more goals (payout will be distributed the following month)
  • Money towards your HRA/HAS account for filling out your health assessment for Aetna (open October-December)
  • For access please contact EHS at 731-422-7910

Please call Employee Health (422-7910) within your first 90 days to complete the biometric screening and lab work. You will have the option to become a member at LIFT Wellness Center (the exercise incentive is not required, but highly encouraged).

On your annual health update (your birth month), you can choose the fitness incentive: LIFT Membership (the fitness incentive is not required, but is highly encouraged). Please make sure that you have your blood work completed during your birth month as well. To schedule your appointment with Employee Health call 731-422-7910.

If you have had your labs completed within 30 days of going to Employee Health at your PCP or another clinic, please bring those labs to be recorded.


Blood draws must be completed by the employee on or before the 5th of the month following the employee’s birth month to be eligible for any past year’s incentive and the current year’s incentives.

(But you must have completed your AHU in your actual birth month, then you can have blood work completed on or before the 5th of the following month)

Failure to comply with Annual Health Update policy will forfeit all incentive eligibility of Healthy Heights to the employee for the current year.

Questions please call 731-422-7910

West Tennessee Healthcare (WTH) does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, Limited English Proficiency or sex, including discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, sex stereotyping or pregnancy in admission to, participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs and activities, whether carried out by WTH directly or through a contractor or any other entity with which WTH arranges to carry out its programs and activities.

For further information about this policy, contact Amy Garner (731) 541-9914.