Radiology Liaison
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital
I would like to recognize Jerry “Zbo” Zeigler for his kindness and compassion. Recently I was taking a patient to her car in a wheelchair. As I was assisting her into her vehicle, the patient’s legs unexpectedly gave out and I had to ease her to the ground to avoid her falling.
It was clear that help was needed to get the patient back in the wheelchair or into her vehicle. That meant I was going to have to leave her on the cold pavement and run inside to call for the Lift Team, and it would have taken several minutes for them to arrive to the far side of the hospital. At that moment, Jerry came out the door, saw what had happened and rushed to help. Without hesitating, he reached down, picked the woman up in his arms, and got her safely into her vehicle. Then he quietly walked away as if he had not realized what a wonderful thing he had just done for this patient.
My thanks goes out to Jerry. His quick action that day made all the difference to our patient and to me!
Terry Kail, Nurse Manager
Infusion Clinic
Jackson-Madison County General Hospital