A family had lost their weeks-old infant daughter to SIDS. Still dealing with fresh grief and overwhelming anxiety, the mother was facing her postpartum checkup at West Tennessee Healthcare UT Medicine. She was not physically or emotionally ready to walk into a waiting room where she was bound to see any number of happy mothers with their own children. How could she possibly bear it?
Katrina Ing at UT received a call from a perinatal bereavement counselor who was working with the grieving mother. She explained the mother’s situation to Katrina and asked if her client could be seen at UT’s north campus, where expecting mothers and children are not generally seen. Katrina, who had bereavement training, immediately understood the gravity of the situation. She went directly to her supervisor, Kelli Nanney, and asked if an exception could be made for this patient. Kelli’s answer was, “Absolutely, we can make this happen!” Kelli worked with Dr. Gregg Mitchell to put the patient’s special needs first by scheduling her appointment at the north clinic. Dr. Mitchell would personally see her at the appointment and address the medical and emotional issues she was facing.
In no time at all, arrangements had been finalized and much of the mother’s fears and anxieties about the appointment had been laid to rest. Thanks to the caring and compassion shown by Katrina, Kelli, and Dr. Mitchell, this grieving mother was able to keep her postpartum appointment and received the medical care and emotional support she needed.