Chad Robertson’s patient arrived for a CT scan in a wheelchair. She explained to Chad that the only reason she was in a wheelchair that day was because her cane had broken. It was clear to Chad that his patient was really concerned about her cane, so after her CT was finished, he inspected the cane to determine exactly what was wrong. Chad discovered that the bottom of the cane had fallen off, leaving just a metal pole touching the floor. The cane was unsafe to use until it was fixed. Fortunately, Chad could see the primary problem revolved around a rubber piece that was loose and had slid up the cane. A few minutes and some manpower later, he was able to restore the cane to good and safe working order. His patient was ecstatic! She wanted to walk with her cane to the front door of the center and had to be convinced by Chad to go in a wheelchair.
A few days later the patient wrote us to say, “Chad was outstanding! My cane was broken and he took the time to fix it for me. He was polite, professional and I felt comfortable in his care. An excellent employee! Wanted you to know.” We whole-heartedly agree, Chad!!