The wife of a patient recently called to tell us:
“I am calling specifically to compliment two special nurses giving my husband compassionate care, and me as well. The first one is Candie Cook, RN. She has been the day nurse for my husband for the last five days, and oh my, she has gone above and beyond what is simply required. Not only is Candie taking very good care of him, which gives me comfort, she is the best communicator for me as well. She calls me on my husband’s phone when she is in the room with him and tells me what’s happening, and she will let me say ‘hello’ to him. When I call Candie, she has never, ever – not once – made me feel like I was a bother. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that.
The second nurse is Jeremy Manley, RN. He’s simply the greatest! Jeremy talks to my husband warmly, like he’s a person rather than just a patient. He communicates well not only to my husband but also to me – any time. Jeremy has the same attributes of a loving and compassionate caregiver as Candie has, and I am glad my husband has good people giving good care to him.
Even with very long days on a COVID floor, these two nurses are in nursing for the right reasons, and it shows. They both have made me feel like I’m a part of the family there by how they include me. All I can say is, ‘THANK YOU VERY MUCH, JUST FOR CONSISTENTLY BEING THE NURSES THAT YOU ARE.’ Well done!”
Tiny from Madison County