The nurses at the Kirkland Cancer Center discovered that one of their long-time patients had been admitted to Jackson-
Madison County General Hospital. From that day on, various nurses would walk over to the hospital to fuss over their
patient, tell him they missed him and loved him. It really brightened his days.
A nurse at the hospital mentioned to the patient’s wife how nice it was that the cancer center nurses were coming to visit
her husband. The patient’s wife heartily agreed, then said, “You won’t believe what one nurse, Ann, did one night. She
and two other nurses came by to visit. Ann noticed how extremely tired I was as they were walking me out of the hospital.
She told me, ‘I’m driving you home tonight,’ and she did. All the way to Dyersburg!”
Ann drove the patient’s car so it would be at home for her the next morning. On the way to Dyersburg, Ann called her
husband to meet them at Friendship and follow them to the patient’s home. Once their passenger was safe and sound at
home, Ann rode with her husband back to their home in Three-Way.
We asked Ann what made her decide to take almost two hours out of her evening to drive this patient’s wife home. She
told us, “I could see that she was so tired that she was disoriented and somewhat confused. It was clear that she didn’t
need to try to drive herself home. I would never have forgiven myself if anything had happened to her on the way. Faith
enters into a lot of the decisions I make, just as it did on that night.” The lives of our patients and their families are
enriched by your caring, Ann, and by your faith that turns good thoughts into action.