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Treatments & Conditions

Treatment for vascular diseases can range from lifestyle changes and medication to minimally invasive procedures (known as endovascular surgery) and traditional open procedures (known as vascular surgery). Because these conditions can also recur after treatment, vascular surgeons maintain an ongoing relationship with patients to provide observation and additional care when needed.

The conditions responsible for disruptions in blood flow fall under the umbrella of vascular disease. Vascular surgeons provide medical care for many different vascular diseases affecting multiple parts of the body, including:

  • Chest and abdomen (conditions such as abdominal aortic aneurysm, thoracic aortic aneurysm, and aortic dissection)
  • Head and neck (conditions such as stroke and carotid disease)
  • Lower extremity (conditions such as femoral aneurysms and venous reflux, along with symptoms such as non-healing wounds)
  • Upper extremity (conditions such as arterial occlusive disease or thoracic outlet syndrome)

Beyond caring for specific vascular diseases, our vascular surgeons also provide other services, including the surveillance of EVAR and TEVAR, management of hemodialysis access and care for related conditions, and the treatment of vascular infections.