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Prepare for Your Surgery

Start Now:

  • Stop smoking: Smoking reduces circulation to the skin and impedes healing. Smokers have a higher incidence of complications so it’s a good time to stop. If you need assistance with smoking cessation opportunities or education, please discuss this during your Pre-Admission Testing call/visit.
  • Changes in health: If you experience any health changes between your last visit to your physician and the time of your procedure, please notify your physician immediately. Also report any signs of a head cold, chest cold, fever, sore throat, fever blister or a sore in the area to be operated.

The Day Before Surgery

  • Rest: Get a good night’s rest.
  • Cleansing: The night before surgery, shower or bathe using Dial soap other other anti-bacterial soap.
  • Eating and Drinking: Please follow the instructions provided by your surgeon’s office and PAT.
  • Alcohol/tobacco: Do not use alcohol or tobacco within 24 hours of surgery.

The Morning of Surgery

  • All valuables, including jewelry and money should be left at home or in the care of a loved one during your stay.
  • Please follow the instructions provided by PAT regarding clear liquids and medications that should be taken on the morning of surgery.
    • Eye Drops: Apply your daily eye drops before you come and bring the bottle(s).
    • Inhalers: Use your routine inhaler(s) before you come and bring the inhaler(s).
    • If you are diabetic, please check your blood sugar before you come.
  • Oral Hygiene: Please brush your teeth (or rinse your mouth if you have dentures), but do not swallow the water.
  • Cleansing: Shower and wash again with Dial or other anti-bacterial soap. In some cases, a special soap may be required and will be given to you during your pre-admission visit. The nurse will instruct you how to use the special soap requested by your surgeon.
  • Make-Up/Contact Lenses: Please do not wear moisturizers, creams, lotions, perfume, contact lenses, nail polish or make-up on the day of surgery.
  • Clothing: Wear only comfortable, loose fitting clothing that does not go over your head. Remove hairpins, wigs, watches, jewelry (including any body piercing), or dentures/partial plates.

Plan for Getting Home

You must make arrangements in advance for a friend or family member to drive you home after your discharge. Under no circumstances will you be allowed to operate a motor vehicle if you have received sedation or general anesthesia.

Post-Surgical Care

  • Please follow your surgeon’s instructions.
  • You must be accompanied all the way to your residence. Be certain someone is nearby when you first stand or walk in case of dizziness. You are advised to rest and take it easy. You should have someone with you for the rest of the day.
  • Do not drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take any tranquilizers or sleeping pills for the rest of the day. Take no medications other than those prescribed by your doctor.
  • If you do not understand the written instructions given to you, please alert your nurse. It is important that you understand how to care for yourself at home following your procedure.